The French Canadian Connection - Exhibition
The art of northern Quebec-Ontario's
Marc André Labonté and New Brunswick
Acadian Gilles Arseneault
Curators: Nikolina Zanoski and Ellen Anderson
Opening Reception:
Saturday, March 11th, 1:00 to 3:00pm
Exhibition Closes: March 24th
Marc Andreé Labonté
> Marc André Labonté is a French Canadian with deep roots in northern Quebec and northern Ontario. His landscapes reflect those places from his early life and they continue to inspire Marc. Trees, flora and fauna are repeated motifs. His works give the feeling of tapestries with the boldness of the land and sky interwoven with delicate traceries of plants and fishes. — Ellen Anderson
> Marc is clearly inspired by wilderness but invites us to experience it more as emotional memento than specific physical place. His glimpses of nature show us a poetic beauty within a variety of branched trees and lively plants. The tranquility of a monochrome
background is a soothing contrast to a dynamic, vibrant and colourful clusters of flowers. It is almost as if we are looking at an otherworldly scenery and still it is very intimate and familiar. It evokes a sense of wanting to be present, to wander, wonder and explore what is hidden in this mystical forest. — Nikolina Zanoski
Gilles Arsenault
> Gilles Arsenault is a French Canadian whose Acadian background shows in his very different approach to his art which has the liveliness one hears in Zydeco music. Gilles’ work has a friendliness and an upbeat sense of rhythm and colour which transport us and convey a sense of happiness. His images are of himself, his tools and geometric shapes. — Ellen Anderson
>Gilles’ works are all about bright colour and bold, rough texture, which combined, contribute to their childlike, joyful nature. His palettes are inspiringly harmonious and his thick strokes are almost relief in nature. Still, the emphasis lies on the patterns and their pulsing vibrancy. Within his exploration of composition, of colour and form, we can almost feel the mood or sense the internal portrait of the painter. The paintings are completely filled, with no empty space, but the balance between rhythm and choice of colour makes them captivating, refreshing and undoubtedly positive. — Nikolina Zanoski
Welcome Nikolina
Nikolina Zanoski is a visual artist and art educator mainly working in the medium of sculpture. She has participated in numerous exhibitions and workshops and is an author of several public sculptures. Nikolina has exhibited in Croatia, Poland and Hungary. Nikolina’s works reflect her own experiences and thoughts about vulnerability caused by outer circumstances as well as an inner state of mind. The question she ponders is how much of our thoughts and feelings come from within and how much is planted in our brains and therefore interferes with our reality.
Creative Spirit needs you
Please come and see the art, watch our artists at work and tell us how you’ve been. We need your help this year as we struggle to keep the studio open. We depend on you to make new contacts, to expand our network and to rally support. We count on the generosity of your spirit.
Pick up a copy of This|ability, our book on Canadian Art Brut for $20.
This|ability is the first book about Canadian Art Brut and Outsider Art written, produced and printed in Canada. The artists in the exhibition and book are B.A., Gabe Anderson, Meiko Ando, Gilles Arseneault, Maria Bonilla, Glenn Cooper, Kristine Erglis, Albert Hall, Jeff Halliday, Alan Hooks, Orhan Guven, Glen James, Marc André Labonté, Joan Lamantia, Alex Lazar, Catharine Little, Paul Sadgrove, Peter Smith, Jai Wax and Barry Woo. Missed the launch?
READ ALL ABOUT IT ON OUR WEBSITE ( under menu item Community > Resources )
Thank you for your support and we hope to see you Saturday!
— Ellen and the Creative Spirits